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Original Pure Minamino


Made from liquid liver and spleen with added vitamins, minerals and amino acids, minamino has a distinctive, but subtle raspberry flavour that makes it instantly recognisable.

Minamino is undoubtedly one of the most successful, non-oil based liquid bait additives ever used in the bait industry. As well as being a rich source of valuable nutrients, it has an extremely attractive aroma and taste that enhances all kinds of baits from boilie mixes, stick mixes, ground baits and particles. However, one of the most effective ways to use Minamino is as a bait soak. The recommended inclusion level in base mixes is 20-30ml/kg. (Doesn’t melt P.V.A)

If you require any further information on the use minamino as a bait then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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